Seller's photo...
As I've modestly said before, I sometimes amaze myself with my brilliance. (Why are you all laughing?) As proof, I now offer visual evidence in the form of 'before and after' photos. As you know, I recently bought a Bible to complete my set of 17 colour illustrations by Jack Hayes, but the slipcase was a little the worse for wear. I was never going to be able to restore it to pristine condition, but it was certainly within my abilities to improve its appearance to a higher level, so that's exactly what I did. Don't believe me? Then take a look for yourself.
Buyer's photo (that's me, folks)...
Seller's photo...
Buyer's photo...
Any Crivvies wishing to shower me with paeans of praise in the comments section should now form an orderly queue. (That'll be no comments again then.)
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