Friday, 8 January 2021


Crater Critter back where he belongs...

I'm lucky enough to own full sets of Crater Critters, Neptune and his Seabed Serenaders, and Sooty giveaways, individually included in packets of Kellogg's breakfast cereals back in the early '70s.  In the UK there were only 8 Neptune figures, though in Australia there were 16, which is the number in my collection.

However, my replacement Sooty figure wasn't grey like the first one I owned, so I made it my mission to track down one in that particular colour.  (You can see it here.)  Likewise,  my Bugsy Backbone figure wasn't the original light green* of the one I had as an 11 or 12 year old, so I added that to my list of 'must haves'. 

Glad to say, therefore, that I managed to get a same-colour replacement on ebay a few days ago and it turned up this afternoon, so I thought you might like to see a piccie-wiccie of it.  If so, that's it at the top of the post; if not, that's still it at the top of the post.  (So there!)

Any of you Crivs collect any of the cereal giveaways?  If so, which were your favourites?


(*Under certain lighting conditions I'm slightly colour-blind and thought it was yellow until a schoo-pal told me it was green.  I could see it was green right away when it arrived earlier today, but now, looking at it across the room on top of my sideboard, it once again looks yellow.  Hey, maybe it's a chameleon crater critter?)


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