Saturday, 2 January 2021


Adventures in Time and Space...

Copyright BBC TV & relevant & respective owners

Doctor Who Classic Comics the mag was called - and it was.  The Doctor's earliest comic strip adventures from TV Comic, Countdown, TV Action, and then back to TV Comic (before Marvel acquired the strip rights), they were all here (including The Daleks strip from TV Century 21).  Well, mostly all, as the title expired before it had exhausted the entire back-catalogue.  Black and white strips were coloured, breathing new life into what otherwise would've been rather dull and dated looking content for what had originally been a less demanding and sophisticated readership than those of the '90s.

There were 27 issues (plus a Special) of this great but relatively short-lived monthly Marvel UK mag, so here are 14 covers to begin with and the rest will follow in Part 2.  Relive your trips to the newsagents over a quarter of a century ago to pick up this peerless periodical.  Did I say a quarter of a century?  Yes, but it was also a whole other century - the 20th as opposed to the 21st.  How time flies when you're not paying attention - and even when you are.  Okay, now that the prattling preamble for the purpose of pretending that there's more edifying info here than actually exists is out of the way, it's now time to check out the pretty piccies.

(Did you buy this Marvel-lous mag back in the day?  Reminiscences, reflections, ruminations, and recollections will be made most welcome in the comments section.)


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