Tuesday, 5 January 2021


A letter which cracks me up...


Oh dear!  I'm afraid my increasingly poor memory means that I've inadvertently deprived all you Crivvies of your Christmas treat.  I bought the above Yuletide issue of Lion & Eagle a few months back, intending to feature some of its contents in a post or two on the run-up to the big day - but, alas, I forgot!  Never mind, there's always next this year - I hope.

However, one of the letters in the issue attracted my attention.  Take a look at it below and see if you can see why.

What I find so interesting is the name - Mrs. M. Morris.  As you'll all know, it was Marcus Morris who, along with Frank Hampson, created Eagle comic, which, around 8 months earlier, had been subsumed by Lion.  And here is a letter from someone effectively praising the merger, a sentiment that would surely have been at odds with that of most ardent Eagle readers.

It's credited as being sent from Leominster, which I find ironic, seeing as how it's printed on 'Leo's Merry-Go-Round' and that the word 'minster' means 'a community of clergy', Marcus Morris being a clergyman.  Could this be a made-up letter by Lion & Eagle's editorial staff, as a mischievous way of answering any criticism of Eagle's 'demise', or was it genuine?

The one thing that gives me pause is the letter-writer's age - 65.  Marcus Morris was 74-ish when he died in 1989, so it's unlikely that his wife (or mother) would've been 11 years older than him 20 years earlier.  It's always possible that I'm over-analysing things, but how likely is it that a 65 year old woman would be buying a comic for boys since the age of 46 or so?

There can be only two possible explanations; one being that the letter is entirely genuine and the name merely coincidental, or that it was a sneaky editorial way of saying that the merger had improved Eagle's status, cheekily using the co-creator's name in an ironic twist to lend it an extra bit of 'oomph'.

What do you think?  Oh, and in case you were concerned about the lad on the cover, see how he got out of his predicament, below.


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