There's actually a good reason for republishing the following post from 2015, which will become evident once you've read the following comment submitted to the blog earlier.
Hi Gordon, Marc Jung here, I do trust you're well these days. Not sure if you knew, but just a note to say Kevin Brighton died on 5th September, 2021, after a long battle with pancreatic cancer, sadly. I hadn't seen him in twenty years, but was in contact with his wife on Facebook. Hoping you are not so bad these days. Best wishes, Marc.
I've no way of confirming whether this comment is genuine or not, but I'll assume it is as it would be a pretty sick thing to say if it isn't. That's Kevin on the left in the above photo, with his pal Derek Pierson, who sadly died in 2016. I took the photo around the mid-'80s in the IPC canteen.
As for Janine Andrews, she's now around 60 and was being treated for ovarian cancer last year, having battled (and beaten I believe) breast cancer in 2014. Not sure what her current situation is, but let's hope she made a full recovery.
Hopefully, a side-on view of a bit of nip won't shock anyone too much, but there's a reason for me publishing this particular pic. I think it's Page 3 model JANINE ANDREWS, and the original glossy photo from which I photocopied this image used to adorn the wall under the window ledge beside the desk of IPC art assistant KEVIN BRIGHTON, who worked on the same floor (26th) as myself in KING'S REACH TOWER in Stamford Street, London, circa 1985-'87.
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