Wednesday, 29 December 2021


It's a wet and windy day outside and I've not long taken delivery of Volume 3 of the Conan The Barbarian Epic Collection edition.  I finished reading Volume 4 last night and very much enjoyed it, so I'm looking forward to it's predecessor, purchased out-of-sequence, and perhaps even published that way.  (The Epic books tend not to appear in chronological order.)  That's me now got the first four volumes in the series, and it's made me all too aware of just how few Conan colour mags I actually bought and read back in the day - a mere handful at most, as that's all I seem to remember looking at them in reprint form.

Of course, I read most of the Barry Smith illustrated tales when they appeared in the UK weekly Savage Sword Of Conan in the '70s, and the US monthly Conan Saga from the mid-to-late '80s, but they were in black and white.  I also bought the UK Savage Sword of Conan monthly, so I'd previously read more b&w stories than colour ones when I was younger, though I'm now starting to catch up (if I haven't already).  They're an extremely entertaining read, though I'm not entirely sure that I like Conan as a character, perhaps just preferring the solid storytelling and scripting abilities of Roy Thomas, whether based on Robert E. Howard's tales or not.

Anyway, thought you might like to see the covers of the first four books so that you know what to look for should you decide to acquire them for yourselves.  I'll present them in reverse order just to make things interesting.  But before you study the pretty piccies, were you a fan of Marvel's Conan mags way back when, and are you still today?  If so, tell your fellow Crivvies what you liked about the mags, and say if you intend getting any of the reprint volumes.  Ready?  Then let's go...

(Note: Don't worry - Nemedian gremlins accounted for Volume 3 being repeated, instead of Volume 2.  Now fixed.)


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