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To be honest, I'm not quite sure whether I had this Superman comic back in 1979, but I think it's more than likely and the cover does seem to ring a chime in memory's belfry. The reason I recently bought it though, is because my interest in The Thorn was reignited after publishing my Lois Lane cover gallery, so I thought I'd add it to my collection. (And Curt Swan draws a darned attractive Thorn, let me tell you.)
Anyway, not much for me to add, so let's get to the meat and potatoes - some pretty piccies for you to pore over as you wish (like we all do) that you could pull a fit burd like The Thorn. (A real-life version obviously; after all, who wants a paper girlfriend? Unless your name's Russell. Russell/Rustle - geddit?)
Comments welcome, so get cracking, Crivvies!
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