I know all you Crivvies just love my posts about Mego 8 inch action figures (whaddya mean "He's delusional"?) so here's another one. I showed you the Spidey figure a little while back, given to me by a friend, though the left shoulder joint was broken. I managed to fix it, but it was a 'fist-fighting' figure with a little lever on the back that, with the elbows bent, moved the arms and made them look like they were punching, so the repair, alas, turned out to be a temporary one as the robust action put too much strain on the shoulder joint and it broke again. The plastic is a little waxy, so even superglue wasn't up to the task of ensuring an effective, long-lasting repair, so - what to do?
Well, I went onto eBay and saw an old Batman fist-fighting figure, bereft of everything but his leotard. It was going for a song so I nabbed it for the purpose of transferring Spidey's head and hands onto the body. My local B&M store was selling Mego Star Trek figures for a mere £3 each, so I bought a few and put the Batman head onto one so that the head wouldn't go to waste. Why not just put the Spidey head and hands onto a new Mego figure though? Simply because Spidey's costume had a bare circle around where the lever was situated, though the Batman one didn't. Had I given Spidey a new Mego figure, he'd have had a bare space where the lever had once been. As Batman's didn't, his leotard would fully cover his back area, so it was no contest.
As to why Spider-Man had a hole in his costume to accommodate the lever and Batman (and maybe even other Mego heroes) didn't is beyond my ken, but it decided my course of action. So Spidey once again had his fist-fighting figure and Batman had an 'ordinary' one, though was missing parts of his costume. Searching the Internet, I found replica boots, gloves, utility belt, cape and bat insignia, and promptly ordered them. They arrived last week, but I was disappointed to see that the blue of the gloves and boots was too light in hue, so I've ordered more accurate blue versions from another source. The emblem you see here is a temporary one I made myself as the black area on the one I bought started flaking with the slightest handling, but a better one is on its way.
So Batman has a new body and costume accoutrements, and Spidey has an original '70s fist-fighting body exactly the same as the broken one I discarded. Bat into Spider indeed! Feel free to tell me what a talented individual I am, and confirm my own personal assessment of my undoubted genius. (What's with the "He's delusional" bit again?)
Oh, and don't worry - I'll add a new photo when Batman's proper shade of blue boots, gloves, and bat emblem are delivered.
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