Saturday, 18 June 2022


Copyright DC COMICS

Some eBay sellers continue to astound me with their attitudes and behaviour.  Case in point is one by the name of Cannhall, who was selling a copy of 80 Page Giant Issue No. 1.  It was unclear from his picture of the item as to whether a sticker and some creases were on the comic or the bag, so I messaged him to ask.  He said he'd check when he got back home.  I later received another message volunteering to send me some photos - they never came.  What did come was yet another message saying he'd taken the item off sale because it had a rip up the middle of the inside of the comic.  However, despite his claim the mag remained on eBay.

I contacted him again and he said he didn't know what had happened as he'd tried to take it off sale three times.  Still wouldn't answer my query about the sticker and creases though.  A couple or so days later, the item finally disappeared from the eBay listings, only for the same ad to reappear a few days later - with no update on the alleged rip inside.  Curiously, it was now £2 cheaper.  He isn't replying to any of my messages for clarification, apart from one in response to me saying that I'd reveal his 'curious' way of doing business on my blog, in which he said he'd benefit from the publicity.  I rather think that folk would steer clear of such a seller, who doesn't appear to know whether an item he claims to have for sale has creases on the cover or its poly bag.  Does he even have the comic?

I see he has negative feedback from a buyer saying the item he received wasn't the same one pictured (same issue number, different, lesser condition copy), so I think that says everything one needs to know about this particular seller.  Definitely dodgy and one to avoid, I'd suggest.    


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