Here's the last of my recent FF acquisitions that I never had at the time of publication (with the possible exception of #363, can't quite recall), just to round things off on this theme for the moment. (Though if I did buy 363 back then, I'll still have it somewhere.) Take a look at #224 below - nicely drawn cover, but still not without its glaring flaws. Firstly, ignore the guy at the back as he's meant to be extra-tall, but take a look at The Thing. Even allowing for his 'crouching' posture, he's far too small in relation to both Reed and Johnny. In fact, if Johnny were to stand up, he'd dwarf even Reed, so Bill Sienkiewicz, talented artist though he is, fumbled the ball on this occasion. Dynamic pic of Doctor Doom on #330 by Buckler & Sinnott - very Kirby-esque. Got a favourite? Then let's hear it, folks.
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