Saturday, 6 May 2023


Characters Copyright DC COMICS and relative and respective owners

I stand before you today to confess a serious crime I committed back in the '80s.  I mutilated my original copy of the above issue by dissecting it and putting the cover and splash page up on my bedroom wall.  I have an impression of doing so in my present abode before flitting to a new one in 1983, then adorning my new room with the pages' presence, but my memories are stronger of them in the latter than the former so I'm unsure as to exactly when I committed this heinous offence.  (I'm still guilty either way.)

Not that it matters from your point of view I suppose, but I always strive for accuracy - even if I don't always achieve it.  I still have the original pages, but I don't think they've been on the wall since I returned to this house in 1987.  So why did I use the comic for pin-up fodder?  I wasn't too keen on Curt Swan's version of The Frankenstein Monster, even though he was likely under editorial instruction not to replicate the Universal Studios/Jack Pierce look, so it was hardly his fault.

Anyway, today (yes, Royal Mail was delivering, Coronation or not) I received a replacement for this issue, bought on eBay, and in doing so turned back the clock 43 years into the past.  It's actually not a bad little story, though I was never too keen on Frank Chiaramonte's inking of Swan's pencils, much preferring Murphy Anderson's talents in that department.  (Didn't everybody?)  It's just a shame that he wasn't utilised on this issue, as it would've made the finished pages visually more appealing.

It's a curious-though-satisfying feeling to re-read a comic in the same house in which I was living when I bought my original issue, over 40 years ago.  (Especially so, considering we moved away for four years before returning.)  The years just melt away and once again I'm in my 20s, with forever seemingly in front of me.  Unfortunately, 'forever' passes far too quickly and makes a mockery of many hopes, dreams, and plans, but you probably know that for yourselves by now if you're anywhere near my age.

Also received today was The Shadow Annual 1987.  The year before, Howard Chaykin had produced a four-issue limited series (which I've got) of the character for DC, and though he wasn't involved in this mag's contents, going by the masthead it's clearly intended to complement Chaykin's quartet of mags (or cash in on them, if you prefer).  Some nice art by Joe Orlando and Alfredo Alcala.

I only found out about the existence of this issue a week or so back and deliberated for a while before finally buying it.  In doing so, I've again turned back the clock - this time by 36 years.  I'm travelling in Time so often these days (even if only in my mind), I think I'll have to change my name to The Doctor.  (Or perhaps you think I should just see a 'mind' doctor?  Ho-ho!)

Anyway, enjoy the images on display and feel free to comment if you wish.


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