Friday, 19 May 2023

The AVENGERS #1 Facsimile Edition...


I'm fortunate enough to own an original issue of The Avengers #1, but I'm a sucker for the Facsimile Editions which Marvel periodically publish, so I promptly purchased one when it became available.  That's it above, and also below, alongside the actual first ish from 1963.  One critical observation: On the cover of the facsimile, the names of Ant-Man and Hulk are slightly squint, as they've been in most reprints of this cover in recent years.  I'd have thought someone would've noticed the flaw by now and fixed it, but obviously not.  On the plus side, the interiors do have the 'Continued After Next Page' lines, which aren't included in all facsimiles, not sure why.  Carelessness?  Who knows, but I wish they were more consistent.  Anyway, still worth having so grab one while you can, as some of the earlier facsimiles now have hefty asking prices on eBay.    


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