Wednesday, 31 May 2023



We all have our favourite singers, musicians, actors, authors, comedians, performers, comicbook artists and writers, etc., don't we?  So let me ask you a question, prompted by some comments in my recent post about Supercar Annuals.  If one of your favourite 'artistes' were revealed to have been indulging in the sort of behaviour that Glitter, Savile, and Harris had been up to, how would you react beyond being shocked, horrified, and disgusted?

Would you dispose of any records, books, comics, etc., by the offending parties - even if it meant in doing so you were also jettisoning part of your fondly-recalled childhood or teenage years, or would you be able to disconnect the individuals from their product and continue enjoying their work and embracing its nostalgic associations with your youth?

Or would it have to be a complete rejection because the formerly favoured person or persons now so appalled you that you wouldn't want to own anything by them in order to demonstrate your disapproval, and also in case continued ownership was seen as condoning their actions in some way?

Is it possible to separate the works of an individual from their crimes, or (in your mind) do they go hand-in-hand and therefore must both be cast into outer darkness and obliterated from your life?  Comments welcome.  (I haven't bothered with an accompanying picture for this post, because I'm not quite sure how to choose a relevant and effective illustration.


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