Saturday, 10 June 2023

The INVINCIBLE IRON MAN #1 Facsimile Edition...


The latest Marvel Facsimile Edition - The Invincible Iron Man #1 - arrived today at the halls of Castel Crivens, readers, and it's an absolute beauty!  That's it above, and my original issue below.  Unlike the DC Facsimiles, the ad pages are clear and sharp and, what's more, the 'Continued After Next Page' lines are present - not the case with every Marvel Facsimile, unfortunately.  (Still can't understand why they went to the bother of restoring the Comics Code stamp to the cover of X-Men #1 - missing from the first printing - but didn't restore the 'Continued...' lines.)

The asking prices on eBay for previous Facsimile Editions is going through the roof in some cases, so nab this one now while it's going for a song.  You'll be glad you did.


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