Saturday, 2 December 2023

SHOWCASE - A Final Fling - 45 Years Down The Line...

Copyright DC COMICS

Did you know that New Gods was originally earmarked for Showcase #94, until it was decided Jack Kirby's new mag stood a better chance in its own title?  Showcase was therefore quietly 'shelved' with #93 in 1970, but resurfaced seven years later, in November '77 (dated for March '78) with the long-delayed 94th issue, featuring The New Doom Patrol in a three-part adventure which concluded in #96.

Next up was Power Girl, likewise in a three-part story (97-99), with the hundredth issue featuring just about every character who had ever appeared in the mag in its long history.  101-103 starred Hawkman, and #104 showcased (pun intended) OSS Spies At War.  Other stories had been prepared, but due to what became known as the 'DC Implosion', 104 was the last issue.  What would've been the next two issues appeared in Cancelled Comics Cavalcade, with a third strip being published in an issue of Adventure Comics.

And now for the personal bit, of which all you Crivvies are so fond of (cough).  Most of the comics you see here are replacements, with only #100 being the original one I bought at the time.  I must've given away whatever remaining ones I had to a pal in the late '70s or early '80s, though I obtained replacements for 94 and 96 quite a good few years ago now, with 95 following later.  I've just recently acquired 97-98, and 101-104 via eBay, which is how I can show you the last eleven issues of the title that debuted the Silver Age Flash, Challengers Of The Unknown, and several other popular DC heroes.

However, looking at these comics now, I know I never had 104, nor am I sure about 101-103 as nothing about them rings a bell with me.  I know I definitely had 94-97, and I'm fairly certain I had 98-99, as the ad box at the end of the Power Girl story for 100 seems familiar.  Just think though, a journey begun back in 1978 has finally ended after 45 years - a journey I didn't even know I was on.  Still got there in the end, though, eh?  Do you remember any of these issues, Crivs?  Comments welcome in the you-know-where.


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