The story opens by telling Batman's origin story: fifteen years ago, Bruce and parents are returning from a movie, when they're shot by a mugger. A few days later, young Bruce swears to make war on all criminals, trains himself, and becomes Batman.
As Bruce walks the streets of Manhattan, one night, a red dirigible appears in the sky. It shoots red beams of light that destroy buildings, "hurling their wreckage upon the crowded streets below" (thousands die, we later learn). A voice comes from the dirigible, identifying itself as belonging to "the scarlet horde", and warning people not to resist, lest they strike again.
I think we can all agree with Batman, here. |
Batman deduces that Prof. Carl Kruger, who was recently released from an insane asylum, is responsible for this. The man apparently suffered from a Napoleon complex, and is "now working on new type death ray". As opposed to the usual kind, I guess. Batman resolves to stop the madman, and eventually succeeds. The mad professor crashes into the water and is killed, and his cohorts are captured.
Slam Bradley
Slam and Shorty encounter a car being fired upon. I contains a girl and her guardian. S&S are invited to dinner. The guardian is to give the girl a diamond--which, after an X-ray, he claims Shorty ate. Long story short: the guardian is a villain and was lying, hoping to kill the girl and keep the diamond for himself.
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