Tuesday, 29 September 2015
Jim Lee On A New Supergirl Book
We have been waiting for information on a new Supergirl book since the last one was cancelled before its time. And finally ... finally ... we have a little.
Over on IGN Jim Lee was being interviewed about a number of topics including a new Hush collection, his work on Batman, and comics in general. And, surprisingly, the topic of Supergirl came up.
IGN: One last question. The Supergirl show is coming this Fall, but there's no Supergirl comic book on the shelf. Are there any plans to bring Supergirl back with her own solo series?
Lee: We'd be remiss if we did not use that as an opportunity. If you look at all the shows, we've tried to do things that both tie in directly into the core mythology of the show itself. But a lot of times you see the best stories featuring, let’s say Green Arrow or The Flash, those are the ones which see the greatest lift when a show becomes a hit. I think you'll see an interesting mix of Supergirl content come out, some of which will closely mirror what's going on in the show, but there's some of the great stories that we publish that we will put out.
I think it's exciting to see one of the key franchises lifted and showcased and we have really high hopes for it.
Now it isn't much. But at least we know that DC is thinking about the character and wants to take advantage of the opportunity the show is providing. I think it is interesting that Lee talks about trying to tie the concept of the book with the tone of the show. He even brings up Arrow and Flash. But then he talks about publishing stories that don't mesh at all (hence the New 52 reprint and the resolicit of the Loeb trade).
So are they waiting for the show? Are they waiting to see the response of the show? Are they waiting for the right creators to show up? Wait until the mess of DCYou settles down to decide if this is going to be 'meat and potatoes' or 'Burnside mash'?
I have to say that I find it frustrating that despite the incredible buzz of the show, despite the consistent failure of the darker interpretations of Kara, DC still feels the need to try to shove a bitter take on Supergirl to the readers. Why not revisit the Gates/Igle stuff? Cosmic Adventures? Why not release a Showcase book of the Daring New series? Why not do a show-related digital book with the same upbeat hope of the show? Why not embrace the Supergirl who wants to do good and inspire, who strive to be like Superman?
Why not?????
Anyways, at least Supergirl is on the minds of the higher ups at the company. Now we just need the right book!
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