Save us from some eBay sellers. Saw a comic, described
as VF+, which I needed to fill a gap in one of my collections,
and bought it for a paltry sum. I could see from the photo that
it matched the description, but the seller despatched it in a thin
'padded' envelope with no cardboard backing - result? A 30
year-old bent and crumpled comic that had been reduced
from VF+ to a far lesser condition.
This is surely incompetence. How someone can send a
single comic in a thin envelope and expect it to arrive in an
undamaged state is beyond comprehension. Writing 'Please
Handle With Care! Please Do Not Bend!' is not what I'd con-
sider adequate steps to protect fragile contents. Packages of
this sort travel in sacks with all sorts and sizes of other mail
sitting atop them, so the chances of surviving the rigours
of transport undamaged are slim to non-existent.
Was the seller annoyed that my winning bid (out of two)
was a mere £1.89 (plus £1.50 p&p) and decided to extract
a spiteful revenge? (After all, at such a low price, it's hardly
worth the bother of returning the item for a refund.) Or is it
simply that he's a numpty without a clue, and shouldn't be
trading on eBay? What think the rest of you?
And if any of you have similar tales of such stupidity,
vent your frustrated feelings in the comments section.
You'll feel much better for getting it off your chest.
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