Friday, 10 March 2017


Images copyright DC COMICS

Picked up this great book a few days ago - SIMON & KIRBY's
The BOY COMMANDOS Volume One.  It's an entertaining read,
although I'm not sure why DC decided to use cleaned up scans from
actual '40s issues rather than new proofs coloured after the originals.
Although the scans look okay for the most part, some colours are so
dark that they obscure the linework, and some pages look like
they're under a tanned sheet of acetate film.

It didn't have to be this way, as, with a little tweaking, the pages
could have been reproduced a little brighter, making them look not
quite so 'faded'.  The page above is how it appeared in the book, the
one below is the same page after I've done a bit of work on it.  I
think it looks a lot better, but I'm perhaps a little biased.

And below, is the page (recoloured) from MISTER MIRACLE
#6, from 1971/'72.  Which one do you think looks better, Criv-ites?
Anyway, you can doubtless buy this valiant volume at your local
FORBIDDEN PLANET and all good comicbook shops.

And here's the back cover to give you the official spiel.


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