Friday, 10 March 2017


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Despite the date, the above book went on sale towards the end of 1974,
and I remember looking through it in W. & R. HOLMES back then, but
not buying it.  I wasn't familiar with GARTH, and had, I think, first learned
of him in The PENGUIN BOOK Of COMICS (the 1st edition), borrowed
from my local library in 1972 or '73.  Holmes was one of the best shops in
my town, and I still miss it today, nearly 40 years after it closed.

Anyway, many years later (and many years ago), the Garth book came
my way again and I snapped it up, as it was a happy reminder of my young
teenage years, even 'though I'd never actually owned the volume.  Unfortu-
nately, I can't open it wide enough to scan the strips without damage to the
spine, so you'll just have to content yourselves with the cover.  FRANK
BELLAMY did the honours, and what a good job he did, eh?


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