Tuesday, 7 March 2017
Who is Clark Kent?
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So last week DC posted this house ad claiming these are the 'prime suspects' for who the doppelganger of Clark actually is.
Now the main suspect these days seems to be Superboy Prime ... and he doesn't appear here. I suppose they said 'prime suspects' and not only suspects.
But given this list, I wonder who is most likely to turn out to be Clark.
And I wonder who you think he is. It's been a while since I put a poll up on the site. But thought I'd get a pulse check on who the leading suspect is. And since this list could be a feint, I included a Someone Else choice (although I'll ask that you leave a comment with who).
On to my thoughts about these candidates.
I am going to immediately eliminate Bizarro and the Martian Manhunter. Neither fits the bill. Plus Bizarro is in the Red Hood book. And this Clark was scanned as someone completely human.
I think I like Magog even less than Superboy Prime. He certainly would have the power to warrant the giant cell. And he might have some reverse psychology thinking that Superman would save him. I don't know why he would be a candidate. I don't know why he would pretend to be powerless or why he would want to live as Clark.
The Eradicator only loves Krypton. I can't imagine him trying to walk the path of Clark. Plus, not human.
The New 52 Superman is an interesting guess. He died and turned to sand. Could that have been a trick, like shedding a false skin. Or maybe some chrysalis state to only reappear, resurrected? Could the #Rebirth of the New 52 Superman have left him powerless? It would be intriguing.
But of all these, my money is on Mxyzptlk. For one, my guess for Oz is Vyndktvyx. So Vyndktvyx might hate Mxy and imprison him. Mxy could use his powers to do all those Superman carvings in the prison. He could disappear like Clark did after eating the fast food burgers. He could make a car drive itself. And he might have gone crazy in that cell, so convinced Superman would save him that he somehow thought he was Clark. Magically he could change himself into a human.
Of course, I still think it is Superboy Prime. But Mxy is a decent guess.
So that's my guess.
What's yours??
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