Surely this is one of the most unusual comic books - at least from a major publisher.
Valiant's Britannia: We Who Are About To Die is set in the often brutal period of Rome's history when Nero was Emperor and life was a fragile commodity.
There are no superheroes to be seen here - but lots of mystery and political struggles and horrible murders.
The story centers around a soldier named Antonius Axia, who has been touched by the gods and has become the first man to specialize in solving crimes - a detectioner.
And there are several mysteries to challenge him, including several murders, capricious gods (and their mortal agents), and a disturbing, growing trend among the women in Rome.
With terrific artwork and an original (and clever) concept, this is a strong series.
It's not for young readers - there's quite a bit of bloodshed here - but for those who don't mind that sort of thing in the telling of a good story, it's well worth seeking out.
Grade: A-
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