As Faith reaches the end of the latest storyline, she finds herself in a classic situation.
She's been attacked and defeated by an evil team made up of her worst enemies, who banded together to tackle their common enemy - namely, Faith.
Making up The Faithless are: Chris Chriswell, former superhero actor turned evil mastermind; Dark Star, a powerful psiot trapped in the body of a black cat; Sidney, a failed actress who happens to be an alien; and Murder Mouse, a powerful cosplayer.
So yeah, it's an odd group.
But it also makes for a fun issue as Faith must find a way to outwit and escape her dysfunctional foes.
I like it when the creative team (writer Jody Houser and artist Joe Eisma) come up with a creative approach to a straightforward adventure story.
Lots of fun!
Grade: A-
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