Tuesday, 25 July 2017

Supergirl Show SDCC Trailer And News

Last weekend was the San Diego Comic Con and most of the Supergirl news revolved around the upcoming third season of the show. Search YouTube or Twitter and you'll get snippets of the many interviews and panels the cast did.

The big release for me was the sizzle trailer for the third season. That is available on YouTube here:

The trailer makes it seem as if the season starts out in a dark place. We hear in a voice over say:

The decision I made, he couldn’t have made that sacrifice. But me, I couldn’t have lived with myself if I hadn’t. I will always make the decision I made. I am not a human. I tried to be but I’m not. Kara Danvers was a mistake.

It is clear that Kara is grieving over losing Mon-El, a decision she made. And her defense is to suppress her emotions, to deny her humanity, and become perhaps a colder, more calculating 'alien'.

And the scenes we see in the preview do a nice job of echoing that.

Perhaps with too many screencaps I break down the trailer.

We start with that 'he couldn't make this decision.' Remember, at the end of last season, Superman told Kara that he didn't think he could send Lois away. We get a very Zack Snyder shot, making sure we know she is talking about Superman when she says 'he'.

And then we see her fingering a series of pictures from a photo booth of her and Mon-El. The sacrifice was her sending him away. But she couldn't make any other decision. She would always make that decision.

Suddenly there is this tone of her being more scientific and cold. She is more Kryptonian.

And then that 'I'm not human' line. I tried to be but I'm not.'

We get several images of a rather stern Supergirl as those words are said.

What about 'hope, help, and compassion'? This is what grief can do to you.

'Kara Danvers was a mistake.'

Again, this is a clear denial of her humanity, of her upbringing. We see Kara storm out of James' CatCo office and Lena's office. Once more, both time, she is looking angry.

My guess is that Kara is going to go through a time where she will simply live as Supergirl, working for the DEO 100% of the time, shunning her friends, and bashing her way through life. And my hope is all her friends will be trying to get her back into a healthier state of mind.

And we see the supporting cast, mostly looking concerned. Winn, J'onn, James, and Alex all are seen with worried expressions.

We also get a nice little moment between Alex and Maggie.

There is more goodness in the trailer.

We see an image of Erica Durance as Alura, wearing a lighter outfit and in that wheat field. Perhaps this is a dream sequence of some type?

I am looking forward to Durance playing Alura. And I hope Alura will be a bigger presence this season.

But I am really pumped for Adrian Pasdar to play Morgan Edge. He seems born to play that roll.

And his line when talking to Lena is fantastic.

"You are going to regret the day you screwed me. Because now you have all of my attention."

Is he vile business man? Intergang leader? Both?

There is a nice chase scene with Alex shooting at a tractor trailer whose door opens to reveal a big old gun.

Earlier in the trailer, we see Supergirl stopping a truck from the front end. I have to assume this is that truck. And, I guess, Supergirl just flies off leading to the concerned look on Alex's face.

I talked about Pasdar and Durance. There were a few more announcements. Check out CBR's coverage here: http://ift.tt/2vW53WL;

Yael Groblas will play Psi! Hurray! A live action Psi!!!
Carl Lumbly (who did the voice of J'onn in the Justice League cartoon) will play J'onn's father.

And someone named 'Ruby' joins the cast. Maybe Ruby is James' new love interest?

And this is Reign. Wouldn't it be crazy if she was raised human like Clark. And she is in a human role at the time Supergirl is denying her humanity.

I can't help but be excited.

See you all on 10/9 !!!


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