Monday, 16 October 2017


Images copyright relevant owners

Several posts back, I showed you the cover of TARKAN #1 and a few interior pages, but have now decided to go the full hog and let you all read the complete 1st issue.  Normally I'd crop the margin off each page and present them singly, but this time I've decided to try something different.  I thought it might increase the sensation of reading an actual comic if I featured the pages as if the actual mag was in your hands, so here it is as nature intended, two pages at a time.  You can let me know if you prefer this or my old way of doing things in the comments section.  Remember that the left-hand page above is the back cover, and should be read last after you've read the rest of the mag.  Now, forward...!


(You'll notice that the dialogue on page 15 suggests the opposite of what's actually implied in the pictures, but obviously things had to be toned down from the original as the publishers wouldn't want to lose younger readers by incurring the wrath of their parents with blatantly salacious content.)


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