Tuesday, 3 October 2017
The Gifted - TV Review
In a season with a smattering of new super-hero-based TV shows, The Gifted shines bright.
The Fox series is set firmly in the X-Men cinematic universe, although we don't see any of that team (but at least we get an explanation of why - sort of).
The show follows a traditional Marvel Comics-style story as we see young mutants on the run from law enforcement and a team of experienced mutants doing their best to rescue those mutants and move them to a safe refuge.
We're introduced to some new and some familiar characters (at least to those of us who've been reading the X-Men comics for a long time), including Lorna Dane, Blink, and John Proudstar.
The focus is on the Strucker family, as their teenage son and daughter reveal that they are mutants - which is a shock to their father, who's a prosecuting attorney dealing with captured mutants. (No mention of Baron Strucker so far.)
The big bad in the series is Sentinels Services, a government agency out to track down mutants (and that's my only beef with the series - it seems a bit lazy to make the big bad government the villain). So that paramilitary force is on the hunt, and they have some impressive weapons in their arsenal.
The effects are very good and the characters are an interesting mix - and there are several surprises along the way.
I'm not sure where the story goes from here, and that's a good thing! So far, I'm impressed - I've added the show to my DVR "pull list." As long as they stay close to the original comics concepts, I think the show will do well.
Grade: A
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