Sunday, 12 November 2017

Mister Miracle #4 (of 12)

   The thing most writers change when they tackle a Jack Kirby creation like Mister Miracle is the inherent strangeness of the concept.

   Writer Tom King has not only embraced it - he's amped the weirdness up to a new level.

   The result is an odd, dream-like series that keeps the reader entirely off-balance. Is what we're seeing real? Is it just happening in Scott Free's mind? Is Darkseid somehow manipulating reality? What's up with Big Barda?

    It's an answer we probably won't discover for a while. Is it a trap for MM to escape? Or is reality a trap?

   That's the brilliance of the Escape Artist concept, of course - we read comics to escape reality, the heroes are fighting to escape death or to help others to escape - it all ties together neatly in the hands of a strong writer.

   I also enjoy the sprinkling of original Kirby-written passages through the story - it brings it all full-circle.

   The art by Mitch Gerads gives us a mix of real-world versions of the characters involved, along with some dreamlike imagery and some more traditional heroics. And I love that cover by Nick Derington!

   This isn't a traditional comic book adventure (and certainly not a typical New Gods story), but after a rocky first issue, it's settled into a very compelling story. Recommended!

Grade: A-



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