Wednesday, 14 March 2018

Number 2154: Suzie steams up the place!

Suzie is a lovely, but naïve young woman. She has trouble holding a job, because while she means well, her job performance is lacking. In the best tradition of sexy, dumb blonde “humor” from decades of popular culture, Suzie is also quite an eyeful.

Suzie was created for MLJ Comics during the war years, and her comic book was published for at least a decade after the war’s end.

I admit to being naïve myself. I thought steam cabinets were a cliché, used as a joke. I thought they were only used in the distant past (in the case of this story, 1944). I did not think they were still being used for weight loss, but I was wrong. Here is a photo from the Internet showing a portable steam cabinet you can buy right now. (I don’t advertise in this blog, so I removed all of the information that would identify it. If you want it you’ll have to look it up.)

This steamy story, written by Ed Goggin and drawn by Harry Sahle, is from MLJ’s Laugh Comics #46 (1944).


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