Friday 12 October 2018

Review: Supergirl #23

Supergirl #23 came out this week and was another interesting chapter in this new direction for the title. I know that interesting is an odd choice, a damning with faint praise sort of word. But the truth is I enjoyed this issue. There are plot points that feel a bit forced. There is one magical moment that felt off. Kara's emotions continue to run a bit rampant, a sort of step backwards. And much of the turmoil seems overly forced.

Writer Marc Andreyko builds the mystery of 'The Circle' and their role in Rogol Zaar's plan to destroy Krypton. We get to finally see the mystery man who has been in shadows on the cliffhanger pages and he looks familiar. Kara gets lucky and is given the next crumb in her trail. There is a lot of fighting that, in theory, could have been avoided. Perhaps the thing I am having a hard time wrapping my head around is Kara's labile emotions. I get that she is reeling from the Zaar reveal. But her angry reactions and lack of trust feel more like the Kara of 2011, not 2018.

What truly elevates and saves the issue is the art by Kevin Maguire. No big surprise that Maguire injects so much emotion into the scenes. Kara looks fantastic. And I love his Krypto. The book really sparkles. Seriously. If this issue had less spectacular art, I think I wouldn't be so forgiving. Add to that the shiny, foil cover by Artgerm and the fun Supergirl rocket-surfing variant by Amanda Conner and the book just looks stunning.

Onto the book!

Last issue Supergirl broke into the secret section of the GLC library to try and discover more about Rogol Zaar. Once inside, an AI version of Appa Ali Apsa, the renegade Guardian who was part of The Circle. He has information and he wants to know if Kara is ready to hear about it.

That second panel with Kara in some anguish as she considers hearing the details is beautiful. So much is said in that furrowed brow.

That said, how many times do we need to see Kara finally get passed her 'anguish and sadness' before new writers don't think it is novel. This is the New 52 Supergirl. Bedard, Perkins, and Orlando have all had her say it is behind her.

I suppose the revelation of new information about the destruction of Krypton might be like ripping off a scab. But just one line where she said 'I thought I put all this behind me' would go a long long way.

And then the forced plot point to move Supergirl along in her galactic trek. This AI program is triggered only by the presence of a Kryptonian. The only person that could hear it is a Kryptonian. Still, despite that, Apsa says he has split up his 'confession' up into different gems scattered around the universe.

Get it?

Now Kara has a new mission! Find all these gems! Okay, that seemed like a semi-forced plot point so Andreyko can keep Kara in space and treasure hunting.

Maybe she'll make a gauntlet out of them! Or summon Shenron!

It doesn't make much sense in my mind for Apsa to have done this. You think the Kryptonian lock would be enough security. Or why not have complete copies of his confessions scattered. But if you did that, this bold new direction might be over.

With the 'gem confessions' plot point revealed, the Apsa hologram fades. And just in time as the Green Lantern Corps break into the pocket dimension Kara was shunted to.

I had to share this panel just so you can see the glorious art, that pleading look on Supergirl's face as she asks for more information.

The Corps break in and confront Kara. They aim their rings but don't fire. It is Supergirl's reputation that is holding them back. But still, Supergirl can't get past her distrust. If Apsa was in on Krypton's destruction, maybe the Corps is as well. That first panel is another great one by Maguire. She is ready to drop the gloves.


She has known Jon Stewart and Kyle Rayner for a while. She knows they are friends of Superman. She knows they are heroes on Earth. At the very least, you would think she would be able to trust them.

Instead, by defying the Corps, the police force for the universe, we get ... again ... a Supergirl that people can't trust. We all know how well that take has worked with Supergirl in the past.

If you liked Krypto chasing B'dg last issue, you'll love this issue more.

Heck, Maguire even injects emotion into Krypto's expressions!

Love Krypto being part of this book.

Captured, Supergirl imitates Superman from the Donner movie and drills her way down to escape a dome of green energy. I love her coy almost bored look in the first panel.

And Jon calling out the rookie move by Kyle was funny.

If you weren't disappointed enough with Supergirl fleeing the Corps and not trusting anyone, Andryko ups the ante.

I mean why not have Kara challenge the entire Corps.

Is that Kara?

But this isn't the true Corps. I think it is constructs done by Mogo. And pretty quickly those constructs ensnare her in web of green tendrils.

I love this panel. Gorgeous.

And I also love Kara voicing her purpose. She is fighting for the truth, for her family.

That seems to reach Mogo who outright says he has read her mind, knows what she is doing, and will help.

Let's pause a bit.

If Mogo ... MOGO ... understands Kara's mission, why doesn't he communicate that to the rest of the Corps? It's Mogo! The new Oa! Surely the world has some clout with the GLC? Surely he can diffuse this situation?

Am I wrong?

Instead, Mogo tells Kara that he can only help her escape. Hmmm ...

And then, in a bit of magic, Mogo has somehow perfectly rebuilt and resupplied Supergirl's spaceship. Wasn't that blown to literal bits in outer space last issue?

I guess Mogo has serious skills.

But with a new crumb to send her back out into space and a new ship, she is off. But I don't think the Lanterns are going to forget this. I think Salaak is going to hunt her down.

And then we finally see the being in the shadows. It is the crystal being, named Gandelo, who we saw in The Circle back in Bendis' Man of Steel mini-series.

We learn that his toady Hakmon is the cousin of C'Zal hanging out on Mogo. And Gandelo seems to imply that The Circle's machinations are still churning. And he is going to send a 'spy' to destroy Supergirl. Another nice cliffhanger.

I don't know how to put it all together. It seems like story points just happen to occur to keep Supergirl in space. A gem treasure hunt to gather Apsa's confession? A rebuilt ship? Mogo keeping silent? Kara's anger? All seems arranged to keep  her off Earth.

Maguire's art definitely raises the book a ton. I found myself pausing before turning the page to let everything really sink in. Luscious. It probably nudges the grade up a whole letter.

Overall grade: B


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