Sunday 1 December 2019



I'd always assumed that TURVILLE'S TOUCHSTONE was a longstanding strip when I saw it in the first combined number of LION & THUNDER in 1971.  If I'd seen it prior to that in an earlier issue of Lion, I don't think I remember it.  (I didn't buy Lion before it teamed up with Thunder, but I'm sure I must've read at least an issue or two at some stage.)  Imagine my surprise then, when I recently acquired the first merged issue of LION & EAGLE and found it contained the debut story of TOM TURVILLE and the alchemist SYLVESTER.  That means the strip was less than two years old when I first saw it, but I somehow had a notion it was far older than that.  Okay, that might've been a later impression, but for many years, possibly after the fact, I had the idea that the strip had originated long before 1969.  Just shows what I know, eh?

Anyway, the above preamble is just my sly way of paving the way for the strip you're now about to read, because I'm sure you lot don't give two hoots for any mistaken impressions or assumptions of mine.  Here, just for you pantin' Crivs, is the very first episode of a true classic of British comics, drawn by GEOFF CAMPION.  I'll tell you what - should REBELLION ever decide to publish a reprint collection of this supernatural series, I'd definitely buy a copy.

And just in case you didn't see it the first time round in a previous post, here's the cover again so that you know what it looks like.  Do you have this comic?  Then get in touch through the comments section, because my copy has four missing pages and I'm looking for scans so that I can complete it.  Can you help?


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