I don't always cross-promote my rare podcast appearances on this site but I had such fun with this that I felt I wanted to share. Head here to listen: http://fireandwaterpodcast.com/podcast/whosediting6/
I was the guest star with Siskoid over on The Fire And Water Podcast network on his show 'Who's Editing?' On this show, the guest and Siskoid create a line of DC books but only from the heroes (and 1 villain) within an issue of the famous DC Who's Who book from the eighties.
I got the sixth issue which includes many Doctor characters.
For this show for the characters I picked a creative team of writer, artist, and variant cover artist. I made an elevator pitch for the book and then mapped out the overall idea.
What will I do with Dr. Occult? Who did I have Sterling Gates write? Who will Chris Samnee draw? Which villain gets their own book?
I like getting the creative juices flowing and this was a blast for me. If you want to see how my comic mind works, this is a good place to start!
Thanks again to Siskoid for inviting!
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