Monday, 5 October 2020



I've been meaning to do a post on my wind-up (or clockwork if you prefer) toys for a good while now, but some of them are stored in big boxes and I have no ideas which ones.  There's no way to ascertain precisely where they are without taking several days to look through them all (and there are loads) and locate them.  (I really do have a lot of stuff.)

So I've decided to compromise.  The definitive post on all my wind-up toys will have to wait, but in the meantime, I've decided to do one on just my robot wind-ups, as opposed to my 'character' ones.  You know, like Tom & Jerry, Paddington Bear, Noddy & Big Ears, Fred & Barney, Daleks (as they're not robots) and whatever other ones I've got in that category.

So there's no point in further preamble from me.  Here are a few wind up robots to tide you over 'til I find all my other ones.  Don't know when that'll be though.

Aw, wee Frankie was hanging around wanting to get his photie taken, so because parents sometimes tell their kids that 'The Monster' is a robot so as not to scare them by the notion of sewn-together bits of corpses, I've decided to include the wee fella anyway.  (We don't want him sulking, do we?)


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