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With the arrival today of two comics, I've now completed my collection of 25 issues of Superman's Girl Friend Lois Lane, which contained Rose And The Thorn from #105 to 130. (Number 113 was a Giant-Size reprint issue of earlier tales.) I had only a dozen different issues (some in sequence), which I've owned for decades, but over the last couple of weeks or so I acquired the 13 mags I was missing and can now catch up on the stories I should've read around 50 years ago. I also took the opportunity to upgrade certain issues, so though you've seen a few of the following covers on Crivens before, some of the presentations in this post are superior.
It's a strange but rewarding feeling to complete something begun almost half a century ago, like finally fulfilling 'unfinished business'. To be able to go back, even if only in my mind, nearly 50 years to the early '70s is like time travel of a sort, and that's exactly what it feels like to me. I can imagine, almost to the point of remembering, buying the issues I never actually had from long-gone shops where I purchased the ones I did own. It's like rewriting part of the past to make it not how it was, but how it should've been. Can any other Crivvies relate to that?
Anyway, I've got just over a handful of LL mags still to show, some earlier, some later, but I'm currently waiting for three upgrade issues to arrive to replace a trio that are a little the worse for wear (should get them within the next week I hope), and when they're in my possession I'll show them on the blog for all to see. Anyway, without any further ado, here are all 25 issues of LL (plus a Giant reprint issue not featuring R&T), behind which covers (and even on some) are the adventures of the beautiful Thorn, alias Rose Forrest, perhaps the only character in comics who didn't know she had another identity.
Any covers in particular that stand out for you? Then let your fellow Crivs know by registering your thoughts in our scintillating comments section. At least, it will be once it receives your contributions.
Incidentally, aside the first and last cover, the rest should be two per tier. If that's not how they appear on your screen, let me know - though it might be a problem connected with your browser and not something I can do anything about.
(Click on images to enlarge, then click again for optimum size.)
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