I love Mego figures, of which I now have a baker's dozen. However, one thing I've noticed is that there's always at least one joint - either elbow, wrist, knee or ankle - which is a bit slack and won't hold its position. (Sometimes there can even be two.) When Mego first started producing their action line, the joints were secured with aluminium rivets, but before too long, they were replaced by plastic pegs to hold the limbs together. I've found that by disrobing the imperfect part and gently (and carefully) pouring boiling water over it, it becomes more malleable; pressure can then be applied to effect a tighter fit, whereupon a stream of cold water will secure it, resulting in a better grip where one part of a limb's 'hinge' meets the other.
Anyway, thought you might like to see two recent acquisitions - Captain Kirk and Mr. Spock from Star Trek. The first was bought for a mere fiver from a local B&M store, the second was purchased via eBay for just a tad over twice that (not including p&p), so they didn't break the bank. Feel free to try and think of a humorous caption for the intrepid pair - no prizes other than the satisfaction that comes from making your fellow Crivvies smile. Well, what are you waiting for? Be funny!
I'll start things off.
Kirk: "Is that a shoulder bag you're wearing, Spock? I hope you're not 'on the turn'!
Spock: "See the gap between my fingers, Captain? That's the size of your penis - fully erect!"
Kirk: "And it's been swollen like that all week!"
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