Tuesday, 6 September 2022


Copyright BBC TV

With the recent acquisition of the above issue, first released in 1980, I've returned 42 years into the past and filled a gap in my collection.  When Doctor Who Weekly first came out, I bought it regularly for at least the first dozen issues, then gave up on it until #33, when it started reprinting The Daleks strip from TV Century 21.  However, I only noticed that issue 38 was missing last week while looking through a box, though it's possible I knew of its absence at the time and had simply forgotten.  Anyway, it's here now and only cost a few measly quid to obtain, though considering that #41 is the last weekly ish I own, perhaps I should thinking about plugging a few more gaps.

So a 42 year span seemingly wiped out at a stroke with the addition of one missing issue, allowing me to return in my mind to the early '80s and remedy an oversight that should never have happened - a thrilling adventure in time and space indeed!  Incidentally, I've used the seller's photo, 'cos I'm too tired to shift a pile of comics from off my scanner - I'll add my own pic at a later date.

If anyone would like to see a cover gallery of all 21 of my Doctor Who Weekly issues then let me know before I put them away in a box in my cupboard again.


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