Wednesday, 9 October 2013

New Comics Day

Here's what I picked up today:

- Astro City #5 - A blast from the past.

- Avengers AI #4 - The battle of the machines continues.

- Batman #24 - Showdown with the Red Mask.

- ElfQuest: The Final Quest: Special - Putting the band back together.

- Green Lantern Corps #24 - Relic is trying to turn the lights out.

- Infinity #4 - Thor brings the hammer down.

- Manhattan Projects #15 - Battle of the Oppenheimers.

- Star Wars #10 - Vader uncovers a secret.

- Superman Wonder Woman #1 - Together again for the first time.

- Thor #14 - Malekith returns - I'm shocked!

- Triple Helix #1 - Continuing John Byrne's Trio series.

- Worlds Finest #16 - Fighting back at fashion week.

- X-Men #6 - Father and son?

And that's it!


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