Kid Eternity’s job was to aid people in trouble, and did it by coming to Earth from his home in Eternity. In this episode Kid E fights off ancient monsters, the Thuggoths. Centuries ago the Thuggoths were defeated by none other than King Tut, also known as Tut-Ankh-Amen. In reality Tut lived a short life, and as shown by the BBC and a photographic re-creation based on his remains, was physically challenged as a result of inbreeding.
In the Kid Eternity stories the Kid calls famous people from Eternity to help him fight whatever menace he is battling. He does not differentiate between mythical figures, like Atlas, or real-life people. William Tell is regarded to be legend, but Johann Martin Shreyer was a real person. The kids who read these stories might have been a bit confused...or maybe they just did not care (personally, I do). The art is by Al Bryant. Credit — or blame — for the script goes to William Woolfolk.
From Kid Eternity #1 (1946):
Interesting article on the real King Tut from The Daily Mail.
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