Wednesday, 29 April 2015

Supergirl Comic Box Commentary Is Seven Years Old

On April 29, 2008 I posted my first post. It was my Jim Mooney commission. I dedicated this space to Supergirl.

This was my promise back then on that fateful day:
So here is the blog's new empty promise. My hope is to provide a review of each month's Supergirl issue for as long as the current title runs. Should I read a back issue from my S-Girl collection (which spans from the Adventure comics of the 70's through now) I will review that as well. Lastly, any nifty S-Girl items which I come across I will chat about as well. If things get slow, I will post something from my ever-growing collection of commissions.

It is interesting to look at that paragraph as it was clear I didn't expect to post as much as I do.

Looking back at the last seven years, I would say that this blog has helped me grow as a comics fan. I am a bit more discerning. Writing critically (and often lengthily - sorry) about the books has helped me recognize things in stories I may not have before, appreciating them more.

But more importantly, I have become friends with so many people through this site. From other bloggers to podcasters to regular visitors, I feel blessed to have such a community of friends I can talk comics with.  And through the miracle of social media, I have been able to reach out to creators and talk directly to them. I wish I could thank you all individually because it is the interaction I have with people here that makes me keep posting, keep talking, and hope to do so for a long time to come.

Thank you all.

Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

And what about Supergirl?

Well the first issue I reviewed was Supergirl #29 by Kelly Puckett and Drew Johnson.

Since then we have had Gates and Igle, Walker and Jones on Cosmic Adventures, Peaty and Chang, DeConnick and Cross. We had the New 52 and a darker interpretation of Kara once more. We had Johnson/Green and Asrar, Nelson and Asrar, a revitalization and redemption when Bedard and Cinar and Lupacchino joined the book; we had Miller et al on Smallville, and finally Perkins/Johnson and Lupacchino on the main title. Lots of ups in the midst of some dark times. And then the ending of her title last month.

In these seven years, we have had animated features Apocalypse, Unbound, and Best Friends Forever. We had Vandervoort wrapping up Kara's story on Smallville. She's part of the new multimedia Super Hero Girl initiative.

And the big news that Supergirl is heading to the small screen, the lead character in her own show, a star. Suddenly, lots of people are talking about Supergirl, who she is, and what she represents.

And so I begin this next year of blogging. I hope you all will join me for the ride!


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