Thursday, 7 May 2015


Betcha when you saw the above pic in thumbnail form,
you thought "What's that nutter up to now?"  However, it's
not what you thought it was, it's only a sausage and there's an
amusing true story behind it.

So I'm in my local ICELAND (trying to avoid PETER
ANDRE over in FARMFOODS) and see an empty checkout.  I
ask the bored-looking woman if she's serving and she says "Yes."
I hand over my bag of 40 (count 'em - 40) sausages for only £2,
and as she's about to scan the barcode, three women appear
from nowhere (like Mr. BENN's shopkeeper) and form
a queue behind me.

"Where did they come from?" asks the assistant, jokingly.
"They followed me," quips I.  "I have that effect on women -
it's the 'links' effect," I say, pointing at the bag of sausages
on the counter.  Cue uproarious laughter all around.  Some-
times I amaze even myself with just how witty I am.

(LINX effect - LINKS effect.  Geddit?  Nobody
around here ever watch the TV ads?  Sheesh!)


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