Several posts back (here), I told you how I first became aware of
the inevitability of my own mortality. That evening, I came downstairs
from my bed, wailing "I don't want to die! I don't wan't to die!" - the ex-
act words of the runner on the cover above. What's strange is that I first
read this issue's story in a black and white ALAN CLASS reprint comic
sometime in the '60s - in a house across the road from the one in which
I'd uttered these very words. In what way does that matter, you may
be thinking. Well, I no longer lived in the neighbourhood, and I'd
lived in another two houses since moving some years before.
So, in a sense, reading that story expressing my own cries of
several years before, across from the very home in which I'd uttered
them, well - it somehow brought things full circle in an odd kind of way.
The cover and interior story were drawn by GEORGE EVANS, and it's
a cracking little story, believe me. Like to read it? KARSWELL's cur-
rently got it on his blog, which you can enter by simply clicking here.
Remember to come back and tell me how great you think the story
is. It's a very atmospheric tale indeed. Go on, get over there!
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