I’ve watched this maybe 20 times todayAmanita (1974)
Film by Vic Atkinson, who has proven that to make a dope movie, all you need is a damp forest of fungi and Chappell’s TVMusic 101-104 on wax. Throw in a few bugs and dead leaves for added ambience, and you’ve got yourself an instant classic.
We were able to identify some of the music used in the film, first thanks to a fortuitous discovery on the now defunct Fourth Wave youtube channel of library music uploads and more recently while browsing the virtual stacks over at (Ad Lib). After several months of fruitless research, however, we’ve concluded that trying to identify library music is kind of like trying to identify mushrooms–at a certain point you’re better off asking an expert.
Now is your time to fill in the blanks. If you can identify any of the unidentified sounds, please share your knowledge. Email us at ihatethisfilm(at)yahoo(dot)com.
0:36 [sounds a bit like Cosmic sounds no. 6 by Georges Teperino, mixed with something else, but we suspect it may be a different track entirely]
1:40 Cosmic sounds no. 3 / G. Teperino
5:30 Video-tronics no. 2 / Cecil Leuter (which sounds almost identical to Galaxie inconnue by Nino Nardini [a.k.a. G. Teperino] from Musique pour le futur–a confusion that still messes with the head)
7:39 Electro theme no. 5 / C. Leuter
8:17 Cosmic sounds no. 3 / G. Teperino
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