Thursday, 26 May 2016


Back around the mid-'70s, I found a bendy
POPEYE toy and took it home with me.  I was
famous for drawing the spinach-chomping sailor in
school, so I had sort of an affinity with the character.
I can no longer remember what happened to my little
flexible friend, alas, but umpteen years later (in the
21st century), I acquired a similar-sized, pose-
able plastic figure of the mighty mariner.

No, that's not him in the photo, that's a
larger scale, fabric-clothed Popeye (which I
bought later) produced by the same company, but
I was tidying up my room earlier in preparation for
decorating, and 'Pops' was hanging on the wall.  I
think it's a great collectable item and decided to
show him off on the blog to cheer up all you
comics-lovin', cavortin' Criv-ites.

So consider yourselves cheered.


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