Thursday, 26 May 2016


Images copyright DC COMICS

Well, something had to be done, and DC COMICS have
decided to do it.  What the result of that something will be yet
remains to be seen, as DC has a history of making changes to
their universe that succeeds only in turning off readers in droves.
Some elements of the first CRISIS weren't too bad, but all sub-
sequent tinkerings have left many long-time fans feeling confused
and angry.  The NEW 52 was a pile of poo, and now DC are in
full 'back-pedal' mode as they seek to distance themselves
from that step in the wrong direction.

This issue is intriguing and shows promise, but only the
final result will tell whether this 'rebirth' of the DC Universe
is alive and kicking or sadly stillborn.  There's talk of new cos-
tumes, which suggests that DC still don't quite realize that part
of the problem is the absence of the original, iconic outfits,
with which most people are familiar.

Any Criv-ites read the above ish?  Thoughts, theories
and observations are most welcome, so get typing.


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