We begin a theme week, Wild Westerns, today.
Pardners, jingle your spurs on over here, and sit your haunches down by the fire. We are cooking up some s'mores and reading about the gingham fury herself, Birdie Phillips. Birdie is quite a gal. Even if she fights fair against bad men who fight dirty, she fights like fury for what’s hers. And that would be her cattle, being rustled right out from under her perky little nose. There are bad men after Birdie, including an evil Indian, Red Horse, out to put a bullet in the gal.
There is casual racism towards Native Americans and Mexicans in this 8-page tale, but it is drawn by one of the greatest comic artists of all, Matt Baker, who was African-American. I am guessing he didn’t have much to do with the writing, just the drawing. (Whoever inked the story is unknown.)
One thing surprised me, pards, and that is the lack of romance in this tale from Western Bandit Trails #3 (1949). I expected Birdie to feel some fluttering in her bosom for one or two of the men in the story. But no, it is a story of justice, after all.
For Pappy readers from around the world who read English as a second language, I am hoping you can figure out the dialect-writing. If not, you can probably figure out the story based on the artwork. After all, that is what comic books are supposed to do, be easy to read with the help of the pictures.
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