Supergirl #1, the solo title for the character in the post-Rebirth continuity came out this week and I'll say up front I was very impressed.
It has been over two years since the last solo Supergirl title in that time the Girl of Steel's prominence as a character has skyrocketed. With a popular television show, a presence in DC Superhero Girls, and a re-emergence in the late days of the New 52, it seems like Supergirl is suddenly everywhere. There are podcasts, figurines, cartoon shorts, and apparel in mainstream stores. It is amazing. In fact, it makes me wonder what took DC so long to get a book back on the shelves.
What is more amazing is, at least locally, the Supergirl book has been a focus of announcements for comic stores. I am on a number of email distribution lists for local stores and many had some version of ' 9/7:Supergirl #1 released!' as the title line. And DC also seems to recognize the potential in this book giving us two covers (which may be the norm these days) and a blank sketch variant.
But all of this would be sound and fury signifying nothing if the story isn't good. Thankfully, writer Steve Orlando delivered a very engaging first issue, setting the stage for this new time in Supergirl's life. The emphasis here is that she is a stranger in a strange land. But that also means there is a nice layer of contrast with her cousin Superman who seems to fit right in. There is some angst here, but it isn't bitter or angry unlike the early issues of the last couple of incarnations. Orlando also seemed to pluck pieces of Supergirl incarnations which have worked in the past and distilled them into this new book. This is a rebirth!
The art is by Brian Ching who brings an angular stylized feel to the book. It has an energy too it which makes me feel like the characters in motion, especially when anatomy seems to be distorted a little. Kara looks like Natalie Dormer in a number of panels.
And the covers are great. Ching's looks like a movie poster of old, highlighting the main points while Bengal's variant shows a smiling Kara ready to hug the world.
On to the story.

As I said, Orlando really does a nice job with the issue looking at Supergirl and how she is summarily different from her super-cousin. Sometimes this contrast is overt. Other times it is subtle.
The opening page of the book is a 4 panel overview of Supergirl's origin. She was a teenager on Krypton. She was rocketed away from Krypton without realizing that Argo City survived. She landed, stranded on alien soil.
That last panel of Kara, stepping out of her crashed rocket while in the barren arctic is striking, showing visually just how alone she was. Stranded is a powerful world here as well. It gives the feeling that she would move on if she could. This was an unwanted destination.
Of course this 4 panel wide screen page must be an homage to the first page of Grant Morrison's All-Star Superman. Now contrast that last panel to this last panel, a shot of the kindly Kent couple as seen from baby Kal's eyes.
These are similar origins but fundamentally very different.
Cut to now to the present where Kara Danvers, new secret identity of Kara Zor-El is learning how to drive. To Kara this vehicle is the equivalent of a Flintstones car. She is used to mind-linked, technically advanced transport like what was on Krypton.
But there is a lot to like about this scene which ends with Kara putting her foot through the car floor. The look on Kara's face is priceless. Whether a teen from an advanced culture or Earth, that is an appropriate face of a kid learning how to drive. And Eliza Danvers is the ultimate supportive mother, trying to remain sunny.
In the end, especially like that National City appears to be San Francisco like in its terrain. Could this be Orlando giving a nod to the time in Adventure Comics where Linda Danvers was living in SF?
And we see that awkward sort of transition from super-scientific world to our world played out even more in the mean hallways of high school. Kara is attending National City Technical High School and she's struggling. Dodgeball and overhead projectors are odd and archaic.
Everyone probably feels like a fish out of water during high school. But it is way more pronounced here. Supergirl doesn't seem to fit in.
We've seen this played out before as well, right down to the dodge ball.
Those same sort of difficulties were shown in the Walker/Jones Cosmic Adventures series.
There Kara also didn't fit in at first.
I like that Orlando is crafting this amalgam of what has worked in the past.
And so we see a lonely Kara, sitting by herself at lunch, and eavesdropping, hearing how everyone is talking about her. She even has a rival in Ben Rubel, another student vying for the Cat Grant Young Innovators Contest. Since he was given a name, he has to be part of the supporting cast. Perhaps he will be the Winn equivalent? Or frenemy?
But all of this shows how school life isn't a breeze for Kara. We see her excel while on Krypton, sure to be named to the Science Guild, only now to suffer at this 'technical' school at Earth.
It has to hurt.
There is a nice visual of how Kara's super-hearing picks up on a train robbery. Some thugs have a device which is draining all local electronics of their passwords, data, etc. Supergirl flies in and quickly dispatches them. It is great stuff by Ching who really sells the action.
Chase is upset because Supergirl isn't supposed to be in action without DEO approval. Her train rescue was against protocol. The head of the DEO is angry. So maybe Chase is the show Henshaw equivalent in the book. With Cat and Cameron riding her, no wonder Kara feels out of sorts.
On to the story.
As I said, Orlando really does a nice job with the issue looking at Supergirl and how she is summarily different from her super-cousin. Sometimes this contrast is overt. Other times it is subtle.
The opening page of the book is a 4 panel overview of Supergirl's origin. She was a teenager on Krypton. She was rocketed away from Krypton without realizing that Argo City survived. She landed, stranded on alien soil.
That last panel of Kara, stepping out of her crashed rocket while in the barren arctic is striking, showing visually just how alone she was. Stranded is a powerful world here as well. It gives the feeling that she would move on if she could. This was an unwanted destination.
Of course this 4 panel wide screen page must be an homage to the first page of Grant Morrison's All-Star Superman. Now contrast that last panel to this last panel, a shot of the kindly Kent couple as seen from baby Kal's eyes.
These are similar origins but fundamentally very different.
Cut to now to the present where Kara Danvers, new secret identity of Kara Zor-El is learning how to drive. To Kara this vehicle is the equivalent of a Flintstones car. She is used to mind-linked, technically advanced transport like what was on Krypton.
But there is a lot to like about this scene which ends with Kara putting her foot through the car floor. The look on Kara's face is priceless. Whether a teen from an advanced culture or Earth, that is an appropriate face of a kid learning how to drive. And Eliza Danvers is the ultimate supportive mother, trying to remain sunny.
In the end, especially like that National City appears to be San Francisco like in its terrain. Could this be Orlando giving a nod to the time in Adventure Comics where Linda Danvers was living in SF?
And we see that awkward sort of transition from super-scientific world to our world played out even more in the mean hallways of high school. Kara is attending National City Technical High School and she's struggling. Dodgeball and overhead projectors are odd and archaic.
Everyone probably feels like a fish out of water during high school. But it is way more pronounced here. Supergirl doesn't seem to fit in.
We've seen this played out before as well, right down to the dodge ball.
Those same sort of difficulties were shown in the Walker/Jones Cosmic Adventures series.
There Kara also didn't fit in at first.
I like that Orlando is crafting this amalgam of what has worked in the past.
And so we see a lonely Kara, sitting by herself at lunch, and eavesdropping, hearing how everyone is talking about her. She even has a rival in Ben Rubel, another student vying for the Cat Grant Young Innovators Contest. Since he was given a name, he has to be part of the supporting cast. Perhaps he will be the Winn equivalent? Or frenemy?
But all of this shows how school life isn't a breeze for Kara. We see her excel while on Krypton, sure to be named to the Science Guild, only now to suffer at this 'technical' school at Earth.
It has to hurt.
There is a nice visual of how Kara's super-hearing picks up on a train robbery. Some thugs have a device which is draining all local electronics of their passwords, data, etc. Supergirl flies in and quickly dispatches them. It is great stuff by Ching who really sells the action.
Turns out Cat Grant was on the train and was the real target. This is clearly a Cat based on the show. She's cool, calm, collected, focused. She was going to turn the tables on the crooks. She really gives off a vibe that they are below her. And she seems annoyed at Supergirl's tactics and irked by Kara's manners. This looks like the beginning of a Cat/Supergirl feud similar to what we saw in Sterling Gates' Supergirl run. Again, Ching imparts so much of the icy flair of Cat in his art.
But I have to wonder ... would Cat really travel by rail? With all the unwashed masses?
As I have mentioned, one of the strongest parts of the book is when Orlando flashes back to Krypton. There we see how well adjusted and caring Kara was, a far cry from the angry girl we saw in the 'still in continuity' early New 52.
Here we see a flashback of her having a tender moment with Zor-El. She has taken pictures of fossilized fish so some small piece of them could 'escape'. It shows how full of hope Kara is, maybe how sensitive she is..
As I have mentioned, one of the strongest parts of the book is when Orlando flashes back to Krypton. There we see how well adjusted and caring Kara was, a far cry from the angry girl we saw in the 'still in continuity' early New 52.
Here we see a flashback of her having a tender moment with Zor-El. She has taken pictures of fossilized fish so some small piece of them could 'escape'. It shows how full of hope Kara is, maybe how sensitive she is..
But this tender reverie is jarred away when at the DEO, Cameron Chase calls Krypton a toxic culture. Chase's perception does not match the reality we see in Kara's memories..
Again, this contrast of Kara not feeling at home, of not feeling comfortable, is a key theme here. And Ching sells it with that exasperated look on Supergirl's face.
Chase is upset because Supergirl isn't supposed to be in action without DEO approval. Her train rescue was against protocol. The head of the DEO is angry. So maybe Chase is the show Henshaw equivalent in the book. With Cat and Cameron riding her, no wonder Kara feels out of sorts.
One of my favorite panels in the book is that bottom one. Long time Kara fans know that she has often existed in the shadow of Kal, unfavorably compared to her 'perfect' cousin. This look of irritation when Chase brings up Superman is interesting. Kara isn't Superman. She never has been.
All these feelings finally come to a head when the Danvers, really trying to be loving supportive folks, try a little too hard. Between butchering Kryptonese and decorating the home in antiquated Kryptonian styles, they just further cement that Earth right now simply is not home.
All these feelings finally come to a head when the Danvers, really trying to be loving supportive folks, try a little too hard. Between butchering Kryptonese and decorating the home in antiquated Kryptonian styles, they just further cement that Earth right now simply is not home.
Kara really feels like a visitor ... a strange visitor at that.
I feel for the Danvers. Their hearts are in the right place.
But I also feel like this is a tiny step back for the Supergirl character who had clearly decided to call Earth home under Tony Bedard and K. Perkins. Still, this is a rebirth. Some things are going to be new.
Kara decides to go to a place where she might feel at home ... The Fortress of Solitude. After all, the Superman bequeathed it to her. But the Fortress is gone. Once again, as in the first page, she is alone in the barren snow.
Then we get a great cliffhanger. Perhaps waiting to strike when Kara is at her emotional lowest, the Cyborg Superman tells her she can go home again. Argo City lives!
So this issue was a nice adjunct to the Supergirl Rebirth special. It definitely lays the foundation for the tone of this book. This is an overall caring Supergirl, eager to spring into action and wanting to help. But she doesn't quite feel right on Earth. We meet her DEO handler who isn't helping matters with her prejudice about Krypton and her short leash. We meet the delightfully homey Danvers and their attempts at being the perfect surrogate parents. We meet Cat, cold perfection in haute couture. And we get a great cliffhanger, a tempting offer for a lonely grieving teen.
With the stage set, I'm ready for more!
Overall grade: A
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