Friday, 9 September 2016


Images copyright MARVEL COMICS.  (Brilliant cover, eh?)

No in-depth analysis of this issue, I'm afraid - I'm just showing
it as an excuse to ask all you crackin' Criv-ites a question.  First,
'though, let's get the black and white intro page out of the way, as
I'm sure there may be some of you who'd like to read a recap of
SPIDER-MAN's origin.  (Don't ask me why it's in b&w when
the rest of the mag is in colour, 'cos I'd only be guessing.) 

Right, here's what I'd like to know (but am too lazy to Google):
As you can see, the next issue (#3) was advertised, but was never
published.  Did the story intended for the third ish ever see print
anywhere, or was the ad for the tale the only part of it that was
produced?  Anyone know?  The comments section awaits.


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