Friday, 9 June 2017


Back around 1978, I bought a twirly straw in SAFEWAY.
I've had it ever since, and whenever I look at it, I can't help but
think of how my home town used to be in the '70s.  It also brings
to mind the contingent of pals I used to have, the comics I used to
buy, the TV shows I used to watch, the books I used to read, and
the music I used to listen to.  Not forgetting the movies I used to
go and see.  It also reminds me of how young I used to be.  (I'd
like to be able to say how handsome I used to be, but that'd
be stretching the truth.)  Hey, that's a lot of 'used tos'.

All that from the above twirly straw.  That's pretty amazing,
don't you think?  Have you got one single item that prompts
so many memories?  Please share in the comments section.


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