Tuesday, 14 August 2018

Supergirl On The Big Screen?

Between work, conventions, and reviews, I am a bit behind on some Supergirl news. Better late than never I suppose.

About a week ago, news spread across the internet that a Supergirl big screen movie was being bandied about. This is about the most bare-boned of a rumor as you can get. No producer. No director. Someone tagged to be the screen writer. But maybe where there is smoke?

Here is a link to Deadline Hollywood's coverage:

And here is a blurb:
Warner Bros and DC are developing a feature film based around Supergirl, the heroine and cousin of Superman. Oren Uziel is working on the script, I’ve confirmed.

There is no producer on Supergirl at this point. According to DC mythology, the character was a teen when she escaped the doomed planet Krypton along with the infant who grew up as Clark Kent. Supergirl has been played by Melissa Benoist in the Greg Berlanti Warner Bros series creation that heads into Season Four on the CW.

Finding a different way back to the Superman universe through Supergirl reflects the differing mindset of DC priority titles to be a bit out of the box, and away from a slate which, with the notable exception of the Patty Jenkins-directed Wonder Woman, has resulted in too many films that have been leaden, dark, and not that fun. And expensive — Man of Steel, Batman Vs Superman and Justice League carried around $800 million in production budgets to gross a collective $2.1 billion, according to reported budget estimates.

My thoughts up next!
 Okay, how can I complain about the possibility of another Supergirl movie heading to the big screen. Well, I guess I could complain given the unsteady creative approach the DCEU has had up to now. I would not want the gray-soaked, dour Snyder version of the character unless she truly was going to be the light to guide them. 

That said, I am pretty sure that Wonder Woman fills that role now. Thankfully, Wonder Woman and Gal Gadot have really shined like a beacon in this film universe. Between Diana's movie and her presence in Justice League, she pretty much rules the roost.  

I also think that with the Flash movie and the Shazam movie coming up, there is a sort of course correction with these franchises. Supergirl could continue that trend if they brought a more classic approach to everything.  

The Hollywood Reporter joined in the fun, speculating how a Supergirl movie could defibrillate the dying Superman movie line. Here is that link and a blurb.

But a Supergirl film doesn’t just have the power to boost the cinematic power of DC’s leading women, it also has the potential to open up the world of Superman on film in a way that hasn’t been done before. Despite the fact that many are eagerly waiting for Warner Bros. to announce a new Superman solo film, a Supergirl film can keep the property alive, and hopefully feature Henry Cavill in some degree, while the studio figures out how to best reintroduce the character for a film of his own.

The seeds for Supergirl were planted, in 2013’s Man of Steel, when Clark Kent steps into the Kryptonian ship for the first time and discovers several pods, its inhabitants’ long deceased. But there’s one pod that’s open, the occupant seemingly escaped. For years, fans have speculated that this open pod was an Easter Egg pointing to the existence of Kara Zor-El, a theory given further credibility by the Man of Steel prequel comic written by Sterling Gates from a story by David S. Goyer, Geoff Johns, and Zack Snyder.

So the Superman we saw in the Justice League movie was not the one we saw in MoS or BvS. It was that creative dissonance which further fractured the already fragile DC fanbase. The idea of using Kara to further cement the classically heroic Superman into film canon is an interesting one.

And as mentioned above, the idea of Supergirl existing in the DCEU has always been around. Blink during the credits of MoS and you'll miss Argo City flying by. And then that empty life support pod!

I reviewed the Supergirl prequel comic which was part of the media blitz for Man of Steel way back in 2013. Here is a link to that review:

No big surprise but with Sterling Gates as writer and Jerry Ordway on art, it is a winner.

So I won't be holding my breath. Without more details, without seeing how the upcoming Aquaman and Shazam movies do in the theater, without seeing how the Supergirl TV show continues to do, I think it is premature to think about this stuff. But it is fun to dream.

And now it seems that Warner Bros. is looking for a female director for this movie. Here is the Deadline link: https://deadline.com/2018/08/female-director-scorecard-warner-bros-superhero-wonder-woman-1202441259/

It all sound wonderful and crazy. I don't think the Anj who started this place in 2008 would believe this.

Let the casting discussions begin. How about Dove Cameron?


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