The heroes, collectively known as“Triple Terror,” were the Brandon Brothers, rich siblings with special talents. Here is how Public Domain Superheroes describes them:
“The Triple Terror team included: Chemix (Barton Brandon), the chemistry expert who wore a beaker symbol on his chest and back. Lectra (Richard Brandon), the electronics expert who wore a lightning bolt symbol on his chest and back. Menta (Bruce Brandon), the master of men's minds, who wore an all seeing eye symbol on his chest and back.
In addition to their respective expertise in the sciences, the Brandon boys were extremely athletic, good climbers and exceptional fighters. Menta could pilot an aircraft and they all seemed to be familiar with military weapons, equipment and tactics.”
The brothers also had a collective eye for pretty girls, based on the women they encounter in this four-part story, Diana Walters and the villainous vamp, Vapine.
The brothers lasted in comic books from 1940 to 1946, from Tip Top Comics #'s 54 through 119. Tip Top used comics from United Features Syndicate, including “Fritzi Ritz/Nancy“ and “Li’l Abner”, still under copyright, which is why you don’t see them included in scanned collections from Digital Comics Museum or Comic Books Plus. What I am showing today are the first four episodes, from Tip Top #’s 54-57. I got them from scans of the reprints in Jim Hardy Comics Book, a giant comic published in 1944, with two other features reprinted from Tip Top: Jim Hardy by Dick Moores, and Dynamite Dunn. Triple Terror’s creators, according to Public Domain Superheroes, were Fred Methot and Paul Berdanier, who are credited by the Grand Comics Database with the story and art here.
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