Friday, 26 October 2018

Review: Action Comics #1004

Action Comics #1004 came out this week and it was the first issue of the Brian Michael Bendis run on this title that left me a little cold. One of the biggest problems I have had with the reboot has been the removal of Lois and Jon from the book. This issue brings back Lois but does it in such an awkward and odd way that I had to wonder if Bendis has been reading Superman at all.

After a couple of years of a truly loving super-family in the Tomasi and Jurgens written Rebirth books, eliminating Jon and Lois seemed short-sighted. Still, I have very much enjoyed Action Comics since Bendis took over. I was willing to give him the benefit of the doubt. Maybe he would be able to bring back the Kent family in a way that I could understand and appreciate.

Instead, in this issue, we find out that Lois basically 'needs space' and decided to stay hidden without talking about it with her husband. It is only after he 'discovers' her that she opens up with her concerns. Now you might say that plenty of couples have ups and downs and this could ring true to real life. But Lois never really is able to explain what it is that was missing before. She says she needs room to write but she wrote when she was with Clark as a couple, prolifically. Two books as Author X as well as her Planet stuff.

Even more perplexing, Clark just seems to accept it. You would think he'd have more questions.

And the Jon stuff is glossed over. Remember, their kid is now alone, in space, with a mass murderer who tried to foment chaos on Earth to convince Superman that humans are horrible and worthy of genocide. Not exactly good parenting 101.

All that said, Ryan Sook's art is so wonderfully it just sings on the page. From the brief action scenes to the conversations in the Planet to the heart-to-heart Clark/Lois scenes, Sook's work is superior. His expressive work is just wonderful. That alone elevates the book.

Still, this just left a sour taste. On to the particulars.

Continuing the running theme of desk shots to open this title, we get this look at Lois' makeshift workspace from her hotel table.

The open essay is pretty standard fare about what 'truth, justice, and the American Way' means in this divisive and cynical 21st century world. There really isn't anything too groundbreaking here. But the other stuff is really where the fun is. She's kind of messy, isn't she?

Byrne/Bendis Man of Steel comparison?
 Jurgens case files?
Supergirl #23 out?
Her coffee name is Betty? Like Betty Page? Or Betty (and Veronica)?
She likes Starburst! (I am more of a Payday guy. Not that #goalweight means I eat candy any more.)

I have enjoyed these desk peeks into character's psyches.

I have said all along that the scenes I like best in Action are the ones at the Planet. There is so much character and plot progression there. I love strong supporting casts. And as a news hub, it is an easy way to provide exposition.

One thing I like here is our knowing that Robinson Goode is working for the mob. Clark is oblivious so we get the luxury to watch these scenes unfold with some suspension. Is her half a story the fact that Clark has recovered from his illness quickly at the same time that her Kryptonite disappeared? She certainly looks to be eyeing him up suspiciously.

Clark is called into Perry's office where Stacy Q has a photo of Lois meeting Lex at a hotel. Trish Q knows she is sitting on a juicy story, one that is worth running. Lois has been missing. She certainly isn't living with Clark. And now she is seen with Lex. Hard to sit on that.

But Perry knows how to run the story in a less salacious way. The photo is news. But he can spin it honestly, leaving people to come up with their own gossip-y conclusions. Still, it can't be easy for Clark to suddenly be part of a story he didn't know he was in.

One thing Bendis does that I like is insert history in these scenes effortlessly. He mentions that Lex was President at one point. (Has that been canon in New 52/Rebirth?) And he comments on Cat Grant's time as the gossip queen at the Planet. How I would have loved a Lola Barnett reference!

With the Lex picture shown, Clark leaves and flashes back to the night before. That was the cliffhanger last issue.

As Superman he flies down to Lois and the two kiss on the street.

We see plenty of people snapping away on their cell phones. Perhaps the Lois and 'someone not Clark' story is going to grow because of this?

Still, phenomenal art with great colors here. It reminds me of the WW2 sailor in Times Square picture in a way.

The two separate and reconnect at her hotel. And this is where I sort of lost it.

In bed, after a consummation of their reconnection, they catch up. Clark says why he couldn't get in touch with her. She says that the time was right for her to return home.

First off, look at how excited Lois is when talking about Jon. She lights up about how he 'hit puberty' in space and how he definitely 'needed' to get away and needed her to leave.

Ummmm .... no.

Jor-El/Mr. Oz is a madman. What parent would leave their child in his hands? What parent thinks the best thing for their 12yr old is to have them not around? She seems way way way too happy for this.

Next, she says that her time away has reinforced how her life isn't normal with Clark. There isn't a sense of normalcy. And she needs time away from all that to do her thing ... to write.

For the 'first time', her child and her husband don't 'need' her. So she can be completely independent.

So Lois is asking for space to find herself? Define herself? Wanting a 'hall pass'?

I need you all to explain this to me. I don't think Clark ever ever held Lois back. I don't think he ever restricted what she could do. She was about as free as you could be. And while it might be true that the Tomasi book at times portrayed her in more traditional mom roles, she still worked at the Planet and wrote.

I guess I just thought that their relationship was open and loving and supportive enough that she wouldn't need this space.

They fall back into each other's arms.

I don't know if I need their post-climax phrase to be 'Great Caesar's Ghost.' Kind of weird.

I guess she just doesn't want to live with Clark. They can be separate and together. They both have work to do free from each other. They'll figure it out.

This just reads all wrong to me.

What about them being stronger together? What about them loving each other and wanting to be there all the time?

I don't get it.

But, on cue to enforce Lois' notion that they don't live a 'normal' life, Clark has to leave their bed to put down a riot at Iron Heights.

It is a great 2 page splash by Sook, a collage style fight scene well laid out on the page.

But when he returns, Lois doubles down. This is why she needs her space.


Am I too old and out of touch to understand this? Too Pollyanna?

Back in the present, Superman has to fly in when a woman calling herself Cottonmouth threatens the staff for printing a story about her. Supes flies in and makes quick work of her.

I love this scene too. As much as I love Clark scenes in the Planet, I also like Superman being there and friendly with the staff. Look at him hanging out with his pal Jimmy Olsen!

But even this art layout, the papers fluttering through the panels, Superman being big and outside the action, all conveys action and his presence. Fantastic!

With the Lex picture printed, Superman grabs Lois and flies her up into the clouds. The dialogue is just as wonky.

Superman says he is starting to feel like his old self again. What old self? The pre-marriage self? He likes being unencumbered with a wife. He is happy to be free of her? He likes being able to decide what he wants to do without thinking of her? And she says she needs this time away? That doesn't sound ... at all ... like the couple we have been reading for the last 2 years.

It also doesn't explain why she hid being back home from him. Their relationship should be stable and mature enough for her to have returned and told him straight up she needed a pause. Basically she hid from him? Why would she do that if all she wanted was time away from him to write a book?

I just think this whole Lois/Clark new relationship doesn't seem right in any way. And I don't know how this will be able to be wrapped up in a way that I will say it does make sense? It is strange.

Since the Lois/Clark pair is the foundation of these characters and these books, I suddenly feel like I am on slightly shaky ground here.

That said, everything else, from subplots to the luscious art, still sizzles.

Overall grade: C


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